If you think you have setup everything correctly, and cannot see your train, there are several possible issues to check:
Does your train have power? Check to see that your layout is receiving power.
Do NOT pair with train from settings >> bluetooth. When you connect to a bluetooth train, it becomes unavailable to other applications and devices. For this reason, do NOT pair with your train from settings >> bluetooth (as you may be used to with other bluetooth devices). Doing so will make the train unavailable in E-Z® App. It is ok to use settings >> bluetooth to test if your train is available and try connecting to it, but you will need to hit disconnect in order to see the train in the E-Z® App control app.
Is your train connected to another app or smart device? When a smart device (like a smartphone or tablet) connects to an E-Z App® train, that train becomes invisible to other users. If your train is receiving power and you still cannot see it listed on your Home screen, check to see that the train is not connected to another smart device in range that is running E-Z App®. The best way to rule this out is to temporarily cut power to the locomotive for 30 seconds. The train should become available in the Home screen once the board within the train has powered back up.
Is bluetooth working properly on your smart device? Bluetooth operates fairly consistently on modern smart phones, but on rare occasions the bluetooth service in a smart phone may act up. This can generally be resolved by temporarily switching off bluetooth in your smart device and rebooting the smart phone.
Is my Android software up to date? On Android it is always very important that your Android is up to date (with the latest software update available). Please refer to our Android Page for info on how to do this.
Clearing the bluetooth cache on your Android. Sometimes Android bluetooth issues can be resolved by clearing the bluetooth cache. This procedure may be slightly different on different Androids.
1) Tap the Settings icon.
2) Hit Application Manager.
3) Swipe the screen left or right in order to find All Tabs.
4) Select Bluetooth.
5) Tap Clear Cache.
6) Select Clear Data.
7) Choose Ok.
Is your phone/tablet bluetooth smart? Assuming this is your first time operating trains with a certain smart device, check to make sure your smart device supports bluetooth smart.
Connection issues on Androids running Marshmallow (6)? Android 6 (Marshmallow) is compatible with E-Z App®. However, due to changes in Bluetooth permissions with Android 6, the app may not be able to detect the E-Z App® trains properly. To resolve this issue, go to Settings in the OS–> Location and turn on location services. Your E-Z App® trains will now be detected properly in the app. This may require a wi-fi or cellular connection on certain devices..